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The White Cane

You’ve probably seen them and you probably are aware of the basics of what they do but as my vision deteriorates, the white cane lays ahead of me in this adventure like an impossible mountain to climb. Accepting the fact that i’ll be “noticeable” visually impaired to the world is a daunting reality and after […]

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Facing Change

To say that losing your vision is easy would be the biggest lie I could say. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done and with each day, new realities and observations are being shown to me, my wife and to my friends and family in regards to the reality of my vision loss. My independence […]

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Stepping Out – Inch by Inch

This past week I travelled to Florida for a convention. We do this event every year and  it’s a great thing for our business. Last year I had some struggles with my vision and noticed challenges when shaking hands, as well as navigating through the crowds. Fast forward to 2017 and the challenges not only […]

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Accepting your fate is one challenging thing and with the disease Retinitis Pigmentosa, it’s a very large portion of working through the process of losing your vision. The little things that should and were once so easy have become challenging. The simple tasks that once took no time at all, suddenly begin to be quite […]

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One of the most challenging parts of Retinitis Pigmentosa for me as we journey down this trail is the changes that are occurring. Things that I could see a year ago, or even 6 months ago are getting more and more challenging. I’m noticing things that are happening that would have never happened before. Things […]

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5 Years of Change

Time flies and it never slows down, in fact it seems to speed up. 5 years ago, I was on a camping trip with my best friends and soon to be wife. I was driving, even at night, and was able to off road through the sand dunes of Glamis, California with some visual issues, […]

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Is there hope?

Just a few weeks ago, my wife and daughter were headed to the beach for an afternoon of fun and kite flying. We arrived and my wife received a text from our brother in law with the below information. Could this be it? Could their be a cure eventually to stop the darkness from growing? […]

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I miss…

With my extreme myopia in conjunction with the growing Retinitis Pigmentosa issue, there are thousands of things that have become increasingly challenging. Whether it’s reading cooking directions or seeing facial expressions from a short distance, things that I once could see, are fading. The challenges seem to be increasing as of late and all I […]

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Working through the acceptance of Retinitis Pigmentosa isn’t easy. Going from a seemingly ‘normal’ person to a visually impaired person using a white cane isn’t easy. Accepting that my future, our future is going to be a different road than most go down isn’t easy. Worrying about how my visual impairment will affect my wife […]

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First Day of Fall

This will be the beginning of a long road and I’m hopeful that this site will not only be helpful ofr those of you interested in learning more, but maybe will help someone deal with the reality of Retinitis Pigmentosa.   More to come.

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