Living Life In Between

The “In Between” Exists… And It’s Now Where I Live   We all find ourselves in between at times. Whether it’s in between transitions in life, in between jobs or in between growth. That “in between” is awkward. It can be scary and downright challenging to fight your way through. The fact is, most of […]

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Freedom. A Word That is Re-Creating it’s Definition   Freedom. It’s such a simple word with so many meanings. Do you assimilate freedom with your rights as a person? Or the ability to do whatever you may want to do? Or do you align freedom with an ideology or mindset? Whatever your assimilation, Freedom is […]

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The Truth Hurts

It’s been quite the journey..   No matter what, life continues it’s twists and turns and lately, that is all that has been happening. Adjustments here and failures there, adaptation here and frustration there. Life has been challenging as of late and while I know that this, like all storms, will pass, it’s been quite […]

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Change. Growth. Adaption

It feels like a lifetime since I wrote. It feels like a lifetime ago where my vision was the only concern for our family.   My how things have changed. Since my last addition to, we have uprooted our lives, relocated and couldn’t be happier. Moving from San Diego, CA to Surprise, AZ was […]

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Time for an Adventure

Adventures in Life, Based on Forward Thinking and Life Adjustments   Well, here we are. 2020 has been a year that none of us will forget. From the COVID-19 Pandemic, riots, looting, unemployment, and quite possibly, the most detrimental year to economics, here we are.  No one saw this coming and many of us, like […]

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“Prepare for the worse”

… not exactly what you want to hear. Just a few days after our annual Retinal checkup, the words are still resonating. The truth is still hard hitting and well… it sucks. My ophthalmologist is a great doctor and was the first one to confirm that I had Retinitis Pigmentosa several years ago. At our […]

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2020 – A New Year Full of Reflection

It’s been a minute… Since I’ve had the free time to actually sit down and compose. Life has been wild these past few months. My busy season for our business, travel, conventions, family, the holidays… the list goes on and on. Through these past few months, a lot has changed, as life does constantly. Some […]

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I Won’t… but I Will

The past few months, black eyes and all, has been a time of realization. A time of acceptance. There is no doubt that i’m losing my vision and even though I fight and tell myself that it’s not progressing, it is. One of the scariest things about losing your vision is ambiguity. The uncertainty of […]

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Inspiration from Dan Mancina – #danmancinachallenge

I started skating when I was about 10 years old and skateboarded until I was in my early 20’s. The injuries and broken bones added up and I hung my skateboard up at age 23. As someone with RP, I can’t believe Dan Mancina’s skill, determination and passion for continuing to skate with only 5% […]

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